Some of My Favorite Videos from the Web:
This is a great video of a pair of Peales Parrot Finches feeding one another. This behavior, in parrot finches, is only noted amongst the Peales. To my knowledge, this is the only video documentation out there. In the many years during which I have raised Peales, I have witnessed this behavior only a couple of times. Aviculturalists in the research field have noted this behavior in wild populations as well. The twittering in the background is Painted Finches....the music...not so sure!
Video credit: Ryan Camren of Crest, California
Video credit: Ryan Camren of Crest, California
This is a great video of Forbes Parrot Finches bathing in a Florida butterfly exhibit waterfall. If you ever get a chance to visit the San Diego Zoo, they have a great display of Forbes. Their fondness for water is evident in San Diego as well. Enjoy!
Video credit: You Tube poster, Blueskeye
Video credit: You Tube poster, Blueskeye
A longer video of a mixed collection of Estrildid finches and canaries feeding on millet. Mixed collections are great for the enjoyment of birds. However, breeding results tend to diminish with the larger the number of species housed together. Also, in this video, one can see both red throated and blue faced parrot finches together. These birds will hybridize if given the opportunity. The resulting offspring are fertile and can impact the genetics of captive populations of both of these species.
Video credit: You Tube poster MOVO5238
Video credit: You Tube poster MOVO5238
Head Color and It's Effect on Gouldian Finch Reproduction:

Follow this link to a very interesting and educational video on Gouldian Finches and how the female's selection of a mating partner influences the number and sex of resulting offspring!
Catalyst - 04/06/2009: Finches
Catalyst - 04/06/2009: Finches